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Creating a connection

The tabs2 php client is a library which helps you connect to your tabs2 api.

The client uses a singleton to create a connection, so you only need to initialise the connection once for each runtime call of your code.

You can create a new api connection using the following code. The factory method has five required parameters which are also explained below.

NOTE: Tabs Support will provide you with these details after authorisation from your client.

// Include the composer dependencies
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';

// @param string $apiurl Your client api url.  
$apiurl = ''; // NOTE: Make sure you url is suffixed with '/v2/'

// @param string $username Your tabs username
$username = 'ABC';

// @param string $password Your tabs password
$password = '123';

// @param string $client_id Your application id
$client_id = 'DEF';

// @param string $client_secret Your application secret
$client_secret = '456';


// Call a basic endpoint using the client
// The client is a wrapper for Guzzle ( so calling the
// http methods (get, post, put & delete) will return a \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface object.
        (string) \tabs\apiclient\client\Client::getClient()->get('title')->getBody()

// OR Use one of our provided classes to return an object

// For example
// Create a new property object
$p = new \tabs\apiclient\Property(1);

// GET the property data

// Output the name

After instantiating your client you may access the rest of the api. Some examples of which can be seen below.

Important note!

If you wish to run these examples on a development machine you can clone the repository and access the examples folder from a directory that your local server is running.

You will need to copy the config.sample.php and create a config.php for the examples to run.