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Requesting property information

This file demonstrates how to request property information.

Without the id query parameter, the example outputs a list of live properties for the first brand on the target api.

With the id, the example demonstrates how to request standard property information.

try {
    if ($id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id')) {

        $property = new \tabs\apiclient\Property($id);

        <h2><?php echo $property->getName(); ?></h2>
        <p><?php echo $property->getAddress(); ?></p>
        <p>Sleeps <?php echo $property->getSleeps(); ?></p>
        <p><?php echo $property->getBedrooms(); ?> bedrooms</p>


            $today = new \DateTime(
                filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fromdate') ? filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fromdate') : 'first day of next month'
            $cal = $property->getBrandings()->first()->getCalendar(
            $cal->setProcessDay(function($cell, $day) use ($property) {
                if ($day && $day->getDaysavailable() > 0) {
                    $cell = str_replace(
                            '<a href="../booking/booking-enquiry.php?fromdate=%s&propertybrandingid=%s">%s</a>',

                return $cell;
            echo (string) $cal;
            $next = new \DateTime($cal->getTargetMonth()->format('Y-m-d'));
            $next->add(new \DateInterval('P1M'));

            echo sprintf(
                '<p><a href="?id=%s&fromdate=%s">Next</a></p>',

            // Get available breaks prices for 'changeover' days
            if ($property->getBrandings()->first()
                && filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fromdate')
            ) {
                // As we are getting multiple prices its a good idea to get all
                // prices to prime the cache

                // Get the available days.  We can use the local store as we've already
                // fetched it by using the getCalendar method
                $days = $property->getBrandings()->first()->getAvailableDaysCollection();

                foreach ($days as $day) {
                    if ($day->getPriceanchor() && $day->getDaysavailable() > 0) {
                        echo sprintf(
                            '<p><a href="getting-an-available-breaks-price.php?id=%s&fromdate=%s">Price on %s £%s</a></p>',

            if ($property->getBrandings()->first()
                && !filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fromdate')
            ) {
                $branding = $property->getBrandings()->first();
                    <p>Marketing Brand: <?php echo $branding->getMarketingbrand()->getMarketingbrand()->getName(); ?></p>

                $collection = $branding->getMarketingbrand()->getBrochures();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $branding->getMarketingbrand()->getDescriptions();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $branding->getMarketingbrand()->getGroupingvalues();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

            if (!filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fromdate') && $property->getDocuments()->count() > 0) {
                ?><p>Documents limited to 2</p><?php
                $collection = $property->getDocuments()->findBy(function($ele) {
                    return $ele->getDocument() instanceof tabs\apiclient\Image && !$ele->getDocument()->isPrivate();
                })->slice(0, 2);
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getDocuments()->findBy(function($ele) {
                    return !$ele->getDocument() instanceof tabs\apiclient\Image;
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

            if (!filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fromdate')) {
                    <p><a href="add-document.php?id=<?php echo $property->getId(); ?>">Add a document</a></p>
                    <p><a href="add-image.php?id=<?php echo $property->getId(); ?>">Add an image</a></p>
                    <p><a href="add-attribute.php?id=<?php echo $property->getId(); ?>">Add an attribute</a></p>
                $collection = $property->getNotes();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';
                    <p><a href="add-note.php?id=<?php echo $property->getId(); ?>">Add a note</a></p>
            if (!filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fromdate')) {
                $collection = $property->getParkingpermits();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getEvents();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getInspections();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getPrimarypropertybranding()->getPrices();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getPrimarypropertybranding()->getSpecialoffers();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getAttributes();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getBrandings()->first()->getAvailableDays();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getSuppliers();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getTargets();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $collection = $property->getRooms();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

                $candm = $property->getCommentsandmetrics();
                $collection = $candm->getComments();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';
                $collection = $candm->getMetrics();
                include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

    } else {
        $brandings = \tabs\apiclient\Collection::factory(
            new tabs\apiclient\Branding()

        // Search for all live properties on the first branding found
        $collection = tabs\apiclient\Collection::factory(
            new \tabs\apiclient\Property
        $collection->setLimit(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'limit'))
            ->setPage(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page'));
        $collection->addFilter('brandingid', $brandings->first()->getId());
        $collection->addFilter('brandingstatusid', 1);

        include __DIR__ . '/../collection.php';

} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();