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Filtering property names

In this example we’re going to filter properties by their name by using tabs2’s filter syntax.

You will find all of the filter keywords in the root endpoint.

In the following example we use the tilda operator to do a ‘like’ comparison search on a property name. You could use a similar syntax on any string field such as address fields like town, line1...3, county and postcode.

try {

    $name = 'Cottage';

    // Get a list of brandings
    $brandings = \tabs\apiclient\Collection::factory(
        new tabs\apiclient\Branding()

    // Search for all live properties on the first branding found use the
    // wildcard name filter.
    $collection = tabs\apiclient\Collection::factory(
        new \tabs\apiclient\Property
    $collection->addFilter('brandingid', $brandings->first()->getId())
        ->addFilter('brandingstatusid', 1)
        ->addFilter('name', '~' . $name);


    echo '<p>' . $collection->getTotal() . ' found with Cottage in its name.</p>';

} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

There is also the global search filter which utilises aws cloud search to search a provided data set.

try {

    $name = 'Cottage';

    // Get a list of brandings
    $brandings = \tabs\apiclient\Collection::factory(
        new tabs\apiclient\Branding()

    // Search for all live properties on the first branding found with the
    // globalsearchterm filter.
    $collection = tabs\apiclient\Collection::factory(
        new \tabs\apiclient\Property

    $collection->addFilter('brandingid', $brandings->first()->getId())
        ->addFilter('brandingstatusid', 1)
        ->addFilter('globalsearchterm', $name);


    echo '<p>' . $collection->getTotal() . ' found with Cottage in its name.</p>';

} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();