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Where is filtering available?

Filtering is available on any endpoint which has the ‘filter’ property on the initial json node.

Filtering format

Within the GET request to the endpoints specified above you may pass the filter query parameter. This may either be as a string or an array of strings. Filters are passed within this parameter as a key/value store with the equals = character separating the key and value. Multiple filters must be separated with a colon character :. If multiple filters are applied, the search effect will be multiplicative (i.e. this equals that AND this equals that).

When an array of filters is applied, the search effect will be additive (i.e. this equals that AND this equals that OR this equals that).

For example:

Filter Filter effect
http://apiroot/v2/property?filter=param1=1 Filters with parameter1 with the value of 1
http://apiroot/v2/property?filter[]=param1=1 Same as above
http://apiroot/v2/property?filter=param1=1:param2=2 Filters with parameter1 with the value of 1 AND parameter2 with the value of 2
http://apiroot/v2/property?filter[]=param1=1:param2=2&filter[]=value3=1 Same as above OR with parameter3 with the value of 1


With each filter, certain operands are available which will change your filters behavior. The following operands are supported:

Operands Filter format Behavior
=   Equals operator. This is the default behavior and you do not need to additionally specify it
> filter=param1=>1 Greater than or equal to operator. For any integer fields, you may search for fields greater than or equal to your specified value.
< filter=param1=<1 Less than or equal to operator. For any integer fields, you may search for fields less than or equal to your specified value.
/ filter=param1=1/3 Between operand. For any integer fields, you may search for fields which match between your two specified parameters.
~ filter=param2=~Cottage Like operator. For any string fields, you may search for fields which are like your specified parameter. This will be a wildcard match.
| filter=param3=1|2|3 OR operator. You may search for fields which equal the any of the parameters that you specify between the pipe character |.
* filter=param3=*abc Starts with operator. You may search for fields which start with the specified characters.

How do I filter with the php client?

You can find an example of how to filter properties here.

What filtering is available?


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |abroad|=|Filter owners by the abroad status flag| |accountingreference|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their Accounting Reference.| |actorcode|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their Actor Code.| |addressline1|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their address Address line 1.| |addressline2|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their address Address line 2.| |brochureid|= ||Filter customers who have requested a certain type of brochure| |brochurerequestdate|= > < / ||Filter customers by the date they requested a brochure| |companyname|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their Company Name.| |country|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their address Country (Alpha2).| |countryname|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their address Country name.| |county|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their address County.| |createdbyactorid|= ||Filter actors by the id of actor who created them.| |createddate|= > < /|Filter actors by created date.| |email|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their Email address.| |enquirer|=|Filter owners by enquirer status.| |enquirydate|= > < /|Filter owner enquiry by enquiry date.| |firstconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter customers by their first booked date| |firstname|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their First name.| |flag|=|Filter actors by whether they have a flag.| |flagtypeid|= ||Filter actors by whether they have a type of flag.| |geohash|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their address geohash.| |globalsearchterm|~|Filter actors using global search| |id|= | *|Filter actors by their id.| |inactive|=|Filter actors by their Inactive Status.| |lastconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter customers by their last booked date| |managedactivityid|= ||Filter suppliers by the id of their managed activity| |marketingbrandemaillistid|= ||Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription.| |marketingbrandemaillistsubscribed|=|Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription choice.| |marketingbrandid|= ||Filter customers by their marketing brand.| |marketingbrandnocontact|=|Filter customers by their marketing brand contact preference.| |officename|= | ~|Filter offices by their office name| |owneractivedate|=|Filter owners by when they owned a property| |ownerbookingbrandid|=|Filter owners by their default booking brand| |ownerbrandinggroupid|=|Filter owners by their default branding group| |ownerbrandingid|=|Filter active owners by their default branding| |ownerchargeid|= ||Filter owners by owner charge id.| |ownerenquirerbrandingid|=|Filter owner enquirers by their default branding| |ownerenquiryactiontypeid|= ||Filter owner enquirers by the activity id.| |ownerenquirycompleteddate|= > < / ||Filter the owner by when an action was completed on the owner enquirer| |ownerenquiryduedate|= > < / ||Filter the owner by when an action is due on the owner enquirer| |ownerfromdate|= > < / ||Filter the owner by when they started owning their property| |ownermarketingbrandid|=|Filter owners by their default marketing brand| |ownerpaymentselectionid|= ||Filter owners by the owner payment selection id.| |ownertodate|= > < / ||Filter the owner by when they finished owning their property| |phonenumber|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their Phone Number.| |postcode|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their address Postcode.| |propertyid|= ||Filter owners by their property id| |supplieractivedate|=|Filter suppliers by when they where active on a property| |supplierbookingbrandid|=|Filter suppliers by the booking brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |supplierbrandinggroupid|=|Filter suppliers by the branding group of any property they are a supplier for.| |suppliermarketingbrandid|=|Filter suppliers by the marketing brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |surname|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their Surname.| |tabscode|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their Tabs Code.| |tabsusername|= | ~ *|Filter tabs users by their username.| |title|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their Title.| |town|= | ~ *|Filter actors by their address Town.| |type|=|Filter actors by type. Can be Customer, Supplier, Owner, TabsUser, TabsUserGroup or Agency.|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |activeofficeid|= ||Active office id| |activeownerid|= ||Active owner id| |activesupplierid|= ||Active supplier id| |addressline1|= | ~ *|Filter properties by their address Address line 1.| |addressline2|= | ~ *|Filter properties by their address Address line 2.| |allowbookingonwebuntildate|= > < /|Find properties by the allow booking on web until date.| |area|= | ~|Property Area code filter. This is a legacy filter, its recommended to use groupingid instead.| |bedrooms|= | < > / * /|Number of Bedrooms.| |bookingbrandid|= ||Booking Branding id filtering.| |bounds|= /|Bounding box coordinates filtering in Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long format| |brandinggroupid|= ||Branding Group id filtering.| |brandingid|= ||Branding id filtering.| |brandingstatusdate|= / > <|Branding status date filtering. This must be used with brandingstatusid.| |brandingstatusdatetype|=|Branding status date filtering behaviour. Can be either fromdate, todate or both.| |brandingstatusid|= ||Branding status id filtering.| |changedayrules|=|Enforce change day rules on an availability search.| |changedaysonly|=|Find properties which only allow week bookings on their changeover days.| |changedaytemplatetype|= ||Find properties with a particular changeday template type.| |changedaytemplatetypedate|= ||Find properties with a particular changeday template type based on the date.| |coordinates|= /|Coordinates point filtering in Lat,Long format| |country|= | ~ *|Filter properties by their address Country (Alpha2).| |countryname|= | ~ *|Filter properties by their address Country name.| |county|= | ~ *|Filter properties by their address County.| |distance|=|Distance (in km) filtering. Can only be used with coordinates.| |excludedproperties|= ||Excluded properties with a certain id filter.| |fromdate|=|Availability from filter. Searches when a property is available from given the specific date| |geohash|= | ~ *|Filter properties by their address geohash.| |groupingid|= ||Grouping id filter| |groupingvalueid|= ||Grouping value id filter| |haspricinginyear|=|Find properties by that can be booked in the specified year.| |id|= | *|Property id.| |inactiveownerid|= ||Inactive owner id.| |inspectionid|= ||Filter properties with a certain inspection type.| |inspectiontypeid|= ||Filter properties with a certain inspection type.| |lastupdatedatetime|= < > / /|Time of the last property update.| |location|= | ~|Property Location code filter. This is a legacy filter, its recommended to use groupingvalueid instead.| |marketingbrandid|= ||Marketing Branding id filtering.| |maximumpets|= | < > / * /|Maximum number of pets.| |maxprice|= > < /|Same as minimum price filter.| |minprice|= > < /|Minimum price filter. Filters by a weekly fixed price. If a fromdate is present, then the year of the date will be used as well to filter prices only in that year.| |name|= | ~ *|Property name.| |nameorpropref|= | ~|Property Name or Propref.| |nights|=|Availability nights filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |ownerchargeid|= ||Find properties by owner charge id.| |plusminus|=|Availability plus minus nights filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |polygon|= /|Polygon coordinates filtering in Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long format| |postcode|= | ~ *|Filter properties by their address Postcode.| |primarypropertybookingbrandid|= ||Primary Property Booking Branding id filtering.| |primarypropertybrandingid|= ||Primary Property Branding id filtering.| |promote|=|Promoted flag| |propertybrandingid|= ||Property Branding id filtering.| |rating|= | > < /|Filter by the properties inspection grading.| |roomquantity|= | > < /|Find properties by the number of rooms.| |roomtypeid|= ||Find properties by the room type.| |sbtemplate|=|Legacy short break template filter. Looks for an attribute with code SBTEMPL and filters with that.| |securitydepositbookeddate|=|Find properties by their security deposit booking date.| |securitydepositbookedfromdate|= / < > /|Find properties by their security deposit booking start date.| |securitydepositbookedtodate|= / < > /|Find properties by their security deposit booking end date.| |securitydepositholidaydate|=|Find properties by their security deposit holiday date.| |securitydepositholidayfromdate|= / < > /|Find properties by their security deposit holiday start date.| |securitydepositholidaytodate|= / < > /|Find properties by their security deposit holiday end date.| |securityfeatureid|= ||Find properties which have a current security feature.| |sleeps|= | < > / * /|Maximum occupancy.| |specialofferbookingperiod|=|Date search looking for special offers active between a specified booking date period.| |specialofferholidayperiod|=|Date search looking for special offers active between a specified holiday date period.| |specialofferwebsitesectionid|= ||Search for active special offers with a specified website section id| |statusid|= ||Generic cross brand status filter. Finds properties of a given status id on any branding.| |tabspropref|= | ~ *|Tabs Property Reference.| |todate|=|Availability till filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |town|= | ~ *|Filter properties by their address Town.| |attributeN|=|ATTRX - Filter by any attribute, where N is the id of the attribute|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |actorid|= ||Filter bookings by the owner/supplier or Customer id.| |adults|= | > < /|Adults| |arrivalsbookingbrandid|= ||Filter bookings by the booking brand id. Specifically used for the arrivals report.| |arrivalsfromdate|= > < /|Filter by the from date. This filter is used for the arrivals report.| |arrivalsincludeprovisionals|=|Set whether the arrivals report query is to include provisionals or not.| |arrivalstodate|= > < /|Filter by the todate. This filter is used for the arrivals report.| |autobalance|= ||Autobalance| |balanceduedate|= > < /|Balance Due Date| |balancepaid|=|Find any confirmed customer bookings.| |balancepaiddate|= > < /|Balance Paid Date| |bookeddate|= | > < /|Booked date| |bookingbrandid|= ||Filter bookings by the booking brand id.| |bookingpaymentdatetime|= > < /|Payment date and time| |bookingserviceid|= ||Booking supplier service filter. Find bookings by the service applied to them.| |bookref|= ||Booking Reference| |brandingid|=|Filter by the Branding id.| |cancelledbooking|=|Find any cancelled bookings.| |cancelledbookingcompleteddate|= > < /|Filter by when the cancelled booking was completed| |cancelledbookingdate|= > < /|Filter by when the booking was cancelled| |children|= | > < /|Children| |confirmedbooking|=|Find any bookings that are confirmed.| |confirmedbookingdate|= > < /|Filter by Confirmed booking date| |currencycode|= ||Currency| |customer_abroad|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by the abroad status flag| |customer_accountingreference|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Accounting Reference.| |customer_actorcode|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Actor Code.| |customer_addressline1|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Address line 1.| |customer_addressline2|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Address line 2.| |customer_brochureid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers who have requested a certain type of brochure| |customer_brochurerequestdate|= > < / ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by the date they requested a brochure| |customer_companyname|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Company Name.| |customer_country|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Country (Alpha2).| |customer_countryname|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Country name.| |customer_county|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address County.| |customer_createdbyactorid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by the id of actor who created them.| |customer_createddate|= > < /|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by created date.| |customer_email|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Email address.| |customer_enquirer|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by enquirer status.| |customer_enquirydate|= > < /|Filter by Customer filter: Filter owner enquiry by enquiry date.| |customer_firstconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their first booked date| |customer_firstname|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their First name.| |customer_flag|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by whether they have a flag.| |customer_flagtypeid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by whether they have a type of flag.| |customer_geohash|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address geohash.| |customer_globalsearchterm|~|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors using global search| |customer_id|= | *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their id.| |customer_inactive|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Inactive Status.| |customer_lastconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their last booked date| |customer_managedactivityid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by the id of their managed activity| |customer_marketingbrandemaillistid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription.| |customer_marketingbrandemaillistsubscribed|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription choice.| |customer_marketingbrandid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand.| |customer_marketingbrandnocontact|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand contact preference.| |customer_officename|= | ~|Filter by Customer filter: Filter offices by their office name| |customer_owneractivedate|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by when they owned a property| |customer_ownerbookingbrandid|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by their default booking brand| |customer_ownerbrandinggroupid|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by their default branding group| |customer_ownerbrandingid|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter active owners by their default branding| |customer_ownerchargeid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by owner charge id.| |customer_ownerenquirerbrandingid|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter owner enquirers by their default branding| |customer_ownerenquiryactiontypeid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter owner enquirers by the activity id.| |customer_ownerenquirycompleteddate|= > < / ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter the owner by when an action was completed on the owner enquirer| |customer_ownerenquiryduedate|= > < / ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter the owner by when an action is due on the owner enquirer| |customer_ownerfromdate|= > < / ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter the owner by when they started owning their property| |customer_ownermarketingbrandid|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by their default marketing brand| |customer_ownerpaymentselectionid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by the owner payment selection id.| |customer_ownertodate|= > < / ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter the owner by when they finished owning their property| |customer_phonenumber|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Phone Number.| |customer_postcode|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Postcode.| |customer_propertyid|= ||Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by their property id| |customer_supplieractivedate|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by when they where active on a property| |customer_supplierbookingbrandid|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by the booking brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |customer_supplierbrandinggroupid|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by the branding group of any property they are a supplier for.| |customer_suppliermarketingbrandid|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by the marketing brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |customer_surname|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Surname.| |customer_tabscode|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Tabs Code.| |customer_tabsusername|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter tabs users by their username.| |customer_title|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Title.| |customer_town|= | ~ *|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Town.| |customer_type|=|Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by type. Can be Customer, Supplier, Owner, TabsUser, TabsUserGroup or Agency.| |depositduedate|= > < /|Deposit Due Date| |depositpaiddate|= > < /|Deposit Paid Date| |excludesourceid|= ||Filter bookings by the filtering out bookings with a certain source id.| |extraid|= ||Filter bookings by the extra id.| |fromdate|= | > < /|From date| |id|= ||Booking id| |infants|= | > < /|Infants| |instance|=|Booking instance filter. Can be customer, owner or agency.| |keysetid|= ||Filter bookings by key set id of any the key tags of the property.| |notsenttemplatecontactmethodid|=|Booking template contact method filter. Find bookings which have been sent a particular template contact method.| |notsenttemplateid|=|Booking template filter. Find bookings which have been sent a particular template.| |officeid|=|Booking property office filter. Find bookings based on a provided office id.| |ownerbookingbrandid|= ||Filter bookings by the booking brand of the owner of the property.| |ownerchargeid|= ||Filter bookings by owner charge id.| |paymentsdue|=|Find any bookings with a payment due. Can be All, AllIncSd, Deposit, Balance, DepositIncSd, BalanceIncSd, Sd.| |paymentsdueperiod|=|date adjuster for paymentsdue. Can be Today, 1( or greater) Day, 1 ( or greater) Week, 1 ( or greater ) Month.| |pets|= | > < /|Pets| |potentialbooking|=|Find any bookings potential bookings.| |potentialbookingcreateddate|= > < /|Filter by the potential booking created date| |potentialbookingdate|= > < /|Filter by Potential booking date| |potentialbookingexpired|=|Find any bookings potential bookings which have expired or not.| |potentialbookingexpireddate|= > < /|Filter by the potential booking expiry date| |potentialbookingtypeid|= !=|Filter by a potential booking type id.| |potentialbookingtypename|=|Filter by a potential booking type name. Can be Enquiry, Hold or BookingInProgress.| |processedwebbookings|=|Set to true/false to include/exclude processed web bookings.| |property_activeofficeid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Active office id| |property_activeownerid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Active owner id| |property_activesupplierid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Active supplier id| |property_addressline1|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Address line 1.| |property_addressline2|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Address line 2.| |property_allowbookingonwebuntildate|= > < /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by the allow booking on web until date.| |property_area|= | ~|Filter by Property filter: Property Area code filter. This is a legacy filter, its recommended to use groupingid instead.| |property_bedrooms|= | < > / * /|Filter by Property filter: Number of Bedrooms.| |property_bookingbrandid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Booking Branding id filtering.| |property_bounds|= /|Filter by Property filter: Bounding box coordinates filtering in Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long format| |property_brandinggroupid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Branding Group id filtering.| |property_brandingid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Branding id filtering.| |property_brandingstatusdate|= / > <|Filter by Property filter: Branding status date filtering. This must be used with brandingstatusid.| |property_brandingstatusdatetype|=|Filter by Property filter: Branding status date filtering behaviour. Can be either fromdate, todate or both.| |property_brandingstatusid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Branding status id filtering.| |property_changedayrules|=|Filter by Property filter: Enforce change day rules on an availability search.| |property_changedaysonly|=|Filter by Property filter: Find properties which only allow week bookings on their changeover days.| |property_changedaytemplatetype|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties with a particular changeday template type.| |property_changedaytemplatetypedate|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties with a particular changeday template type based on the date.| |property_coordinates|= /|Filter by Property filter: Coordinates point filtering in Lat,Long format| |property_country|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Country (Alpha2).| |property_countryname|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Country name.| |property_county|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address County.| |property_distance|=|Filter by Property filter: Distance (in km) filtering. Can only be used with coordinates.| |property_excludedproperties|= ||Filter by Property filter: Excluded properties with a certain id filter.| |property_fromdate|=|Filter by Property filter: Availability from filter. Searches when a property is available from given the specific date| |property_geohash|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address geohash.| |property_groupingid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Grouping id filter| |property_groupingvalueid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Grouping value id filter| |property_haspricinginyear|=|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by that can be booked in the specified year.| |property_id|= | *|Filter by Property filter: Property id.| |property_inactiveownerid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Inactive owner id.| |property_inspectionid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Filter properties with a certain inspection type.| |property_inspectiontypeid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Filter properties with a certain inspection type.| |property_lastupdatedatetime|= < > / /|Filter by Property filter: Time of the last property update.| |property_location|= | ~|Filter by Property filter: Property Location code filter. This is a legacy filter, its recommended to use groupingvalueid instead.| |property_marketingbrandid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Marketing Branding id filtering.| |property_maximumpets|= | < > / * /|Filter by Property filter: Maximum number of pets.| |property_maxprice|= > < /|Filter by Property filter: Same as minimum price filter.| |property_minprice|= > < /|Filter by Property filter: Minimum price filter. Filters by a weekly fixed price. If a fromdate is present, then the year of the date will be used as well to filter prices only in that year.| |property_name|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Property name.| |property_nameorpropref|= | ~|Filter by Property filter: Property Name or Propref.| |property_nights|=|Filter by Property filter: Availability nights filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |property_ownerchargeid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties by owner charge id.| |property_plusminus|=|Filter by Property filter: Availability plus minus nights filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |property_polygon|= /|Filter by Property filter: Polygon coordinates filtering in Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long format| |property_postcode|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Postcode.| |property_primarypropertybookingbrandid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Primary Property Booking Branding id filtering.| |property_primarypropertybrandingid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Primary Property Branding id filtering.| |property_promote|=|Filter by Property filter: Promoted flag| |property_propertybrandingid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Property Branding id filtering.| |property_rating|= | > < /|Filter by Property filter: Filter by the properties inspection grading.| |property_roomquantity|= | > < /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by the number of rooms.| |property_roomtypeid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties by the room type.| |property_sbtemplate|=|Filter by Property filter: Legacy short break template filter. Looks for an attribute with code SBTEMPL and filters with that.| |property_securitydepositbookeddate|=|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit booking date.| |property_securitydepositbookedfromdate|= / < > /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit booking start date.| |property_securitydepositbookedtodate|= / < > /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit booking end date.| |property_securitydepositholidaydate|=|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit holiday date.| |property_securitydepositholidayfromdate|= / < > /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit holiday start date.| |property_securitydepositholidaytodate|= / < > /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit holiday end date.| |property_securityfeatureid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties which have a current security feature.| |property_sleeps|= | < > / * /|Filter by Property filter: Maximum occupancy.| |property_specialofferbookingperiod|=|Filter by Property filter: Date search looking for special offers active between a specified booking date period.| |property_specialofferholidayperiod|=|Filter by Property filter: Date search looking for special offers active between a specified holiday date period.| |property_specialofferwebsitesectionid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Search for active special offers with a specified website section id| |property_statusid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Generic cross brand status filter. Finds properties of a given status id on any branding.| |property_tabspropref|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Tabs Property Reference.| |property_todate|=|Filter by Property filter: Availability till filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |property_town|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Town.| |provisionalbooking|=|Find any bookings that are provisional.| |sagepaybookingamount|= > < /|Filter bookings by the amount that was paid on a sagepay payment| |sagepaypayment|=|Find bookings with a sagepay payment| |sagepaysecuritydepositamount|= > < /|Filter bookings by the amount that was paid on a sagepay secuirty deposit payment| |sddueout|=|Find any bookings with an SD due out. Can be Today, 1( or greater) Day, 1 ( or greater) Week, 1 ( or greater ) Month.| |securitydepositdueindate|= > < /|Filter by the security deposit due in date| |securitydepositdueoutdate|= > < /|Filter by the security deposit out in date| |securitydepositpaid|=|Find any bookings which have had their security deposits paid.| |securitydepositpartpaid|=|Find any bookings which have had some of their security deposits paid.| |securityfeatureid|= ||Filter bookings by the current property security feature id.| |senttemplateid|=|Booking template filter. Find bookings which have been sent a particular template.| |sourceid|= ||Filter bookings by the source id.| |specialoffer|=|Find bookings which have had a special offer applied| |specialofferpromotioncode|=|Find any bookings which have had a specific promotion code applied.| |todate|= | > < /|To date| |transferredbooking|=|Find any bookings that have been transferred.| |type|=|Booking type filter. Can be customer, owner or agency.| |webbookingdate|= > < /|Filter by Web booking date| |webbookingprocesseddatetime|= > < /|Filter by Web Booking processed date time| |workorder|=|Find bookings with an active workorder.|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |actor|= ||Filter notes by the actor id| |archivedby|= ||Archived by actor id| |author|= ||Author id of note| |booking|= ||Filter notes by the booking id| |bookingbookeddate|= | / > <|Filter booking notes by the holiday booked date| |bookingfromdate|= | / > <|Filter booking notes by the holiday from date| |bookingtodate|= | / > <|Filter booking notes by the holiday end date| |completedby|= ||Completed by actor id| |createddatetime|= > < / ||createddatetime| |createdfromscreen|=|Screen the Note was created from| |highlight|=|highlight| |id|=|id| |noteactor|= ||Filter by note actor id| |notetext|= ~|Filter by comment text in any note| |notetextactioned|= ||Filter by the actioned by user id| |notetextauthor|= ||Filter by the author id of any comment on a note| |notetype|= | ~|Filter notes by their notetype| |notetypeid|=|Filter notes by the notetype id| |notifychanges|=|Filter notes the notify changes boolean| |pin|=|pin| |private|=|private| |property|= ||Filter notes by the property id| |reminderdate|= | / > <|Filter note by reminder date| |requiresconfirmation|=|Filter property notes by the requires confirmation boolean| |showonavailability|=|Filter property notes by the show on availability boolean| |showonweb|=|Filter property notes by the show on web boolean| |subject|= ~|subject| |visibletocleaner|=|visibletocleaner| |visibletocustomer|=|visibletocustomer| |visibletokeyholder|=|visibletokeyholder| |visibletoowner|=|visibletoowner|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |brandcode|= | ~|Brandcode| |id|= ~ ||Ticket ID| |phonenumber|= | ~|Ticket brand phone number| |priority|= ||Priority| |read|=|Read flag.| |status|= ||Status| |tabsuser|= ~ ||Tabs User| |ticketuser|= ||Ticket user assignment|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |actorid|=|Actor id| |id|= ||Payment id| |paymentdatetime|= | > < /|Payment date and time| |paymentmethod|= ||Payment Method|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |accountid|= ||Filter by Account id.| |accountingdate|= | > < /|Accounting Date| |accountingperiodid|=|Accounting Period id| |actorpayment|=|ActorPayment id| |bookingextraid|=|BookingExtra id| |bookingid|=|Booking id| |bookingpayment|=|BookingPayment id| |customerid|=|Customer id| |id|= ||Transaction id| |nominalcode|= | ~|Filter by the account nominal code| |ownerchargecode|=|Owner Charge Code| |ownerchargecodeid|=|OwnerChargeCode id| |ownerchargeid|=|Owner Charge id| |ownerid|= ||Filter by the Owner id.| |propertyid|=|Property id| |transactiondatetime|= | > < /|Transaction date and time| |transactiondefinitionid|= ||Filter by the Transaction Definition id.|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |accountid|= ||Account id| |accountingdate|= | > < /|Accounting Date| |accountingperiodid|=|Accounting Period id| |actorpaymentid|=|ActorPayment id| |bookingextraid|=|BookingExtra id| |bookingid|= ||Filter via a booking id.| |bookingpaymentid|=|BookingPayment id| |customerid|=|Customer id| |id|= ||Entry id| |nominalcode|= | ~|Nominal Code| |ownerchargecode|=|Owner Charge Code| |ownerchargecodeid|=|OwnerChargeCode id| |ownerchargeid|=|OwnerCharge id| |ownerid|=|Owner id| |propertyid|=|Property id|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |autoadded|=|Filter booking suppliers by the auto added flag.| |bookingbookeddatetime|= / > <|Booking booked date time| |bookingfromdate|= / > <|Booking arrival date| |bookingtodate|= / > <|Booking departure date| |cancelledbyactor|= | ~|Filter booking suppliers by the actor who cancelled it.| |cancelleddatetime|= > < /|Filter booking suppliers by cancelled date time.| |completedbyactor|= | ~|Filter booking suppliers by the actor who completed it.| |completeddatetime|= > < /|Filter booking suppliers by completed date time.| |id|= ||Booking supplier id.| |ownercharge|= | ~|Filter booking suppliers by the owner charge id.| |propertybookingbrandid|=|Booking brand id| |propertyid|=|Property id| |propertyofficeid|=|Office id| |service|= | ~|Filter booking suppliers by the service id.| |supplier|= | ~|Filter booking suppliers by the supplier id.|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |calloutcharge|= > < | /|Filter by the workorder supplier calloutcharge.| |commissionpercent|= > < | /|Filter by the workorder supplier commissionpercent.| |defaultinvoiceto|=|Filter by the workorder supplier defaultinvoiceto.| |hourlyrate|= > < | /|Filter by the workorder supplier hourlyrate.| |id|= ||Filter by the workorder supplier id.| |payeename|= | ~|Filter by the workorder supplier payee name.| |supplier_abroad|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by the abroad status flag| |supplier_accountingreference|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Accounting Reference.| |supplier_actorcode|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Actor Code.| |supplier_addressline1|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Address line 1.| |supplier_addressline2|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Address line 2.| |supplier_brochureid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers who have requested a certain type of brochure| |supplier_brochurerequestdate|= > < / ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by the date they requested a brochure| |supplier_companyname|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Company Name.| |supplier_country|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Country (Alpha2).| |supplier_countryname|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Country name.| |supplier_county|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address County.| |supplier_createdbyactorid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by the id of actor who created them.| |supplier_createddate|= > < /|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by created date.| |supplier_email|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Email address.| |supplier_enquirer|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by enquirer status.| |supplier_enquirydate|= > < /|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owner enquiry by enquiry date.| |supplier_firstconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their first booked date| |supplier_firstname|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their First name.| |supplier_flag|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by whether they have a flag.| |supplier_flagtypeid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by whether they have a type of flag.| |supplier_geohash|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address geohash.| |supplier_globalsearchterm|~|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors using global search| |supplier_id|= | *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their id.| |supplier_inactive|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Inactive Status.| |supplier_lastconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their last booked date| |supplier_managedactivityid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by the id of their managed activity| |supplier_marketingbrandemaillistid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription.| |supplier_marketingbrandemaillistsubscribed|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription choice.| |supplier_marketingbrandid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand.| |supplier_marketingbrandnocontact|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand contact preference.| |supplier_officename|= | ~|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter offices by their office name| |supplier_owneractivedate|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by when they owned a property| |supplier_ownerbookingbrandid|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by their default booking brand| |supplier_ownerbrandinggroupid|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by their default branding group| |supplier_ownerbrandingid|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter active owners by their default branding| |supplier_ownerchargeid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by owner charge id.| |supplier_ownerenquirerbrandingid|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owner enquirers by their default branding| |supplier_ownerenquiryactiontypeid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owner enquirers by the activity id.| |supplier_ownerenquirycompleteddate|= > < / ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter the owner by when an action was completed on the owner enquirer| |supplier_ownerenquiryduedate|= > < / ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter the owner by when an action is due on the owner enquirer| |supplier_ownerfromdate|= > < / ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter the owner by when they started owning their property| |supplier_ownermarketingbrandid|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by their default marketing brand| |supplier_ownerpaymentselectionid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by the owner payment selection id.| |supplier_ownertodate|= > < / ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter the owner by when they finished owning their property| |supplier_phonenumber|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Phone Number.| |supplier_postcode|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Postcode.| |supplier_propertyid|= ||Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by their property id| |supplier_supplieractivedate|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by when they where active on a property| |supplier_supplierbookingbrandid|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by the booking brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |supplier_supplierbrandinggroupid|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by the branding group of any property they are a supplier for.| |supplier_suppliermarketingbrandid|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by the marketing brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |supplier_surname|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Surname.| |supplier_tabscode|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Tabs Code.| |supplier_tabsusername|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter tabs users by their username.| |supplier_title|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Title.| |supplier_town|= | ~ *|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Town.| |supplier_type|=|Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by type. Can be Customer, Supplier, Owner, TabsUser, TabsUserGroup or Agency.|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |accesscontact|= ||Filter by the workorder accesscontact.| |accesscontactdetails|= ~|Filter by the workorder accesscontactdetails.| |approveddate|= > < /|Work order approveddate filter.| |booking_actorid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the owner/supplier or Customer id.| |booking_adults|= | > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Adults| |booking_arrivalsbookingbrandid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the booking brand id. Specifically used for the arrivals report.| |booking_arrivalsfromdate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by the from date. This filter is used for the arrivals report.| |booking_arrivalsincludeprovisionals|=|Filter by Booking filter: Set whether the arrivals report query is to include provisionals or not.| |booking_arrivalstodate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by the todate. This filter is used for the arrivals report.| |booking_autobalance|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Autobalance| |booking_balanceduedate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Balance Due Date| |booking_balancepaid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any confirmed customer bookings.| |booking_balancepaiddate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Balance Paid Date| |booking_bookeddate|= | > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Booked date| |booking_bookingbrandid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the booking brand id.| |booking_bookingpaymentdatetime|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Payment date and time| |booking_bookingserviceid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Booking supplier service filter. Find bookings by the service applied to them.| |booking_bookref|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Booking Reference| |booking_brandingid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by the Branding id.| |booking_cancelledbooking|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any cancelled bookings.| |booking_cancelledbookingcompleteddate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by when the cancelled booking was completed| |booking_cancelledbookingdate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by when the booking was cancelled| |booking_children|= | > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Children| |booking_confirmedbooking|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings that are confirmed.| |booking_confirmedbookingdate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Confirmed booking date| |booking_currencycode|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Currency| |booking_customer_abroad|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by the abroad status flag| |booking_customer_accountingreference|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Accounting Reference.| |booking_customer_actorcode|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Actor Code.| |booking_customer_addressline1|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Address line 1.| |booking_customer_addressline2|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Address line 2.| |booking_customer_brochureid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers who have requested a certain type of brochure| |booking_customer_brochurerequestdate|= > < / ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by the date they requested a brochure| |booking_customer_companyname|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Company Name.| |booking_customer_country|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Country (Alpha2).| |booking_customer_countryname|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Country name.| |booking_customer_county|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address County.| |booking_customer_createdbyactorid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by the id of actor who created them.| |booking_customer_createddate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by created date.| |booking_customer_email|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Email address.| |booking_customer_enquirer|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by enquirer status.| |booking_customer_enquirydate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owner enquiry by enquiry date.| |booking_customer_firstconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their first booked date| |booking_customer_firstname|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their First name.| |booking_customer_flag|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by whether they have a flag.| |booking_customer_flagtypeid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by whether they have a type of flag.| |booking_customer_geohash|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address geohash.| |booking_customer_globalsearchterm|~|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors using global search| |booking_customer_id|= | *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their id.| |booking_customer_inactive|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Inactive Status.| |booking_customer_lastconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their last booked date| |booking_customer_managedactivityid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by the id of their managed activity| |booking_customer_marketingbrandemaillistid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription.| |booking_customer_marketingbrandemaillistsubscribed|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription choice.| |booking_customer_marketingbrandid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand.| |booking_customer_marketingbrandnocontact|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand contact preference.| |booking_customer_officename|= | ~|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter offices by their office name| |booking_customer_owneractivedate|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by when they owned a property| |booking_customer_ownerbookingbrandid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by their default booking brand| |booking_customer_ownerbrandinggroupid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by their default branding group| |booking_customer_ownerbrandingid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter active owners by their default branding| |booking_customer_ownerchargeid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by owner charge id.| |booking_customer_ownerenquirerbrandingid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owner enquirers by their default branding| |booking_customer_ownerenquiryactiontypeid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owner enquirers by the activity id.| |booking_customer_ownerenquirycompleteddate|= > < / ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter the owner by when an action was completed on the owner enquirer| |booking_customer_ownerenquiryduedate|= > < / ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter the owner by when an action is due on the owner enquirer| |booking_customer_ownerfromdate|= > < / ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter the owner by when they started owning their property| |booking_customer_ownermarketingbrandid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by their default marketing brand| |booking_customer_ownerpaymentselectionid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by the owner payment selection id.| |booking_customer_ownertodate|= > < / ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter the owner by when they finished owning their property| |booking_customer_phonenumber|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Phone Number.| |booking_customer_postcode|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Postcode.| |booking_customer_propertyid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter owners by their property id| |booking_customer_supplieractivedate|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by when they where active on a property| |booking_customer_supplierbookingbrandid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by the booking brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |booking_customer_supplierbrandinggroupid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by the branding group of any property they are a supplier for.| |booking_customer_suppliermarketingbrandid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter suppliers by the marketing brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |booking_customer_surname|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Surname.| |booking_customer_tabscode|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Tabs Code.| |booking_customer_tabsusername|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter tabs users by their username.| |booking_customer_title|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their Title.| |booking_customer_town|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by their address Town.| |booking_customer_type|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Customer filter: Filter actors by type. Can be Customer, Supplier, Owner, TabsUser, TabsUserGroup or Agency.| |booking_depositduedate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Deposit Due Date| |booking_depositpaiddate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Deposit Paid Date| |booking_excludesourceid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the filtering out bookings with a certain source id.| |booking_extraid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the extra id.| |booking_fromdate|= | > < /|Filter by Booking filter: From date| |booking_id|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Booking id| |booking_infants|= | > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Infants| |booking_instance|=|Filter by Booking filter: Booking instance filter. Can be customer, owner or agency.| |booking_keysetid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by key set id of any the key tags of the property.| |booking_notsenttemplatecontactmethodid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Booking template contact method filter. Find bookings which have been sent a particular template contact method.| |booking_notsenttemplateid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Booking template filter. Find bookings which have been sent a particular template.| |booking_officeid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Booking property office filter. Find bookings based on a provided office id.| |booking_ownerbookingbrandid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the booking brand of the owner of the property.| |booking_ownerchargeid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by owner charge id.| |booking_paymentsdue|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings with a payment due. Can be All, AllIncSd, Deposit, Balance, DepositIncSd, BalanceIncSd, Sd.| |booking_paymentsdueperiod|=|Filter by Booking filter: date adjuster for paymentsdue. Can be Today, 1( or greater) Day, 1 ( or greater) Week, 1 ( or greater ) Month.| |booking_pets|= | > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Pets| |booking_potentialbooking|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings potential bookings.| |booking_potentialbookingcreateddate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by the potential booking created date| |booking_potentialbookingdate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Potential booking date| |booking_potentialbookingexpired|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings potential bookings which have expired or not.| |booking_potentialbookingexpireddate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by the potential booking expiry date| |booking_potentialbookingtypeid|= !=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by a potential booking type id.| |booking_potentialbookingtypename|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by a potential booking type name. Can be Enquiry, Hold or BookingInProgress.| |booking_processedwebbookings|=|Filter by Booking filter: Set to true/false to include/exclude processed web bookings.| |booking_property_activeofficeid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Active office id| |booking_property_activeownerid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Active owner id| |booking_property_activesupplierid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Active supplier id| |booking_property_addressline1|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Address line 1.| |booking_property_addressline2|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Address line 2.| |booking_property_allowbookingonwebuntildate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by the allow booking on web until date.| |booking_property_area|= | ~|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Property Area code filter. This is a legacy filter, its recommended to use groupingid instead.| |booking_property_bedrooms|= | < > / * /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Number of Bedrooms.| |booking_property_bookingbrandid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Booking Branding id filtering.| |booking_property_bounds|= /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Bounding box coordinates filtering in Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long format| |booking_property_brandinggroupid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Branding Group id filtering.| |booking_property_brandingid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Branding id filtering.| |booking_property_brandingstatusdate|= / > <|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Branding status date filtering. This must be used with brandingstatusid.| |booking_property_brandingstatusdatetype|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Branding status date filtering behaviour. Can be either fromdate, todate or both.| |booking_property_brandingstatusid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Branding status id filtering.| |booking_property_changedayrules|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Enforce change day rules on an availability search.| |booking_property_changedaysonly|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties which only allow week bookings on their changeover days.| |booking_property_changedaytemplatetype|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties with a particular changeday template type.| |booking_property_changedaytemplatetypedate|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties with a particular changeday template type based on the date.| |booking_property_coordinates|= /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Coordinates point filtering in Lat,Long format| |booking_property_country|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Country (Alpha2).| |booking_property_countryname|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Country name.| |booking_property_county|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address County.| |booking_property_distance|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Distance (in km) filtering. Can only be used with coordinates.| |booking_property_excludedproperties|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Excluded properties with a certain id filter.| |booking_property_fromdate|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Availability from filter. Searches when a property is available from given the specific date| |booking_property_geohash|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address geohash.| |booking_property_groupingid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Grouping id filter| |booking_property_groupingvalueid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Grouping value id filter| |booking_property_haspricinginyear|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by that can be booked in the specified year.| |booking_property_id|= | *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Property id.| |booking_property_inactiveownerid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Inactive owner id.| |booking_property_inspectionid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties with a certain inspection type.| |booking_property_inspectiontypeid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties with a certain inspection type.| |booking_property_lastupdatedatetime|= < > / /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Time of the last property update.| |booking_property_location|= | ~|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Property Location code filter. This is a legacy filter, its recommended to use groupingvalueid instead.| |booking_property_marketingbrandid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Marketing Branding id filtering.| |booking_property_maximumpets|= | < > / * /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Maximum number of pets.| |booking_property_maxprice|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Same as minimum price filter.| |booking_property_minprice|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Minimum price filter. Filters by a weekly fixed price. If a fromdate is present, then the year of the date will be used as well to filter prices only in that year.| |booking_property_name|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Property name.| |booking_property_nameorpropref|= | ~|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Property Name or Propref.| |booking_property_nights|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Availability nights filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |booking_property_ownerchargeid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by owner charge id.| |booking_property_plusminus|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Availability plus minus nights filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |booking_property_polygon|= /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Polygon coordinates filtering in Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long format| |booking_property_postcode|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Postcode.| |booking_property_primarypropertybookingbrandid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Primary Property Booking Branding id filtering.| |booking_property_primarypropertybrandingid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Primary Property Branding id filtering.| |booking_property_promote|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Promoted flag| |booking_property_propertybrandingid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Property Branding id filtering.| |booking_property_rating|= | > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter by the properties inspection grading.| |booking_property_roomquantity|= | > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by the number of rooms.| |booking_property_roomtypeid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by the room type.| |booking_property_sbtemplate|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Legacy short break template filter. Looks for an attribute with code SBTEMPL and filters with that.| |booking_property_securitydepositbookeddate|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit booking date.| |booking_property_securitydepositbookedfromdate|= / < > /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit booking start date.| |booking_property_securitydepositbookedtodate|= / < > /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit booking end date.| |booking_property_securitydepositholidaydate|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit holiday date.| |booking_property_securitydepositholidayfromdate|= / < > /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit holiday start date.| |booking_property_securitydepositholidaytodate|= / < > /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit holiday end date.| |booking_property_securityfeatureid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Find properties which have a current security feature.| |booking_property_sleeps|= | < > / * /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Maximum occupancy.| |booking_property_specialofferbookingperiod|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Date search looking for special offers active between a specified booking date period.| |booking_property_specialofferholidayperiod|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Date search looking for special offers active between a specified holiday date period.| |booking_property_specialofferwebsitesectionid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Search for active special offers with a specified website section id| |booking_property_statusid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Generic cross brand status filter. Finds properties of a given status id on any branding.| |booking_property_tabspropref|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Tabs Property Reference.| |booking_property_todate|=|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Availability till filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |booking_property_town|= | ~ *|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Town.| |booking_provisionalbooking|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings that are provisional.| |booking_sagepaybookingamount|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the amount that was paid on a sagepay payment| |booking_sagepaypayment|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find bookings with a sagepay payment| |booking_sagepaysecuritydepositamount|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the amount that was paid on a sagepay secuirty deposit payment| |booking_sddueout|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings with an SD due out. Can be Today, 1( or greater) Day, 1 ( or greater) Week, 1 ( or greater ) Month.| |booking_securitydepositdueindate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by the security deposit due in date| |booking_securitydepositdueoutdate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by the security deposit out in date| |booking_securitydepositpaid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings which have had their security deposits paid.| |booking_securitydepositpartpaid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings which have had some of their security deposits paid.| |booking_securityfeatureid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the current property security feature id.| |booking_senttemplateid|=|Filter by Booking filter: Booking template filter. Find bookings which have been sent a particular template.| |booking_sourceid|= ||Filter by Booking filter: Filter bookings by the source id.| |booking_specialoffer|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find bookings which have had a special offer applied| |booking_specialofferpromotioncode|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings which have had a specific promotion code applied.| |booking_todate|= | > < /|Filter by Booking filter: To date| |booking_transferredbooking|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find any bookings that have been transferred.| |booking_type|=|Filter by Booking filter: Booking type filter. Can be customer, owner or agency.| |booking_webbookingdate|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Web booking date| |booking_webbookingprocesseddatetime|= > < /|Filter by Booking filter: Filter by Web Booking processed date time| |booking_workorder|=|Filter by Booking filter: Find bookings with an active workorder.| |cancelleddate|= > < /|Filter by the workorder cancelleddate.| |canrecur|=|Work order recuring filter. Check for any templates which are going to recur again or not.| |completeddate|= > < /|Work order completeddate filter.| |createddate|= > < /|Filter by the workorder createddatetime.| |estimaterequired|=|Work Order Estimate Required filter.| |fullycharged|=|Work order fully charged filter. Find work order instances which have been fully charged to the owner or not.| |fullypaid|=|Work order fully paid filter. Find work order instances which have been fully paid or not.| |id|= ||Filter by the workorder id.| |invoiceto|= ||Filter by the workorder invoiceto.| |paymentdate|= > < /|Work order paymentdate filter.| |property_activeofficeid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Active office id| |property_activeownerid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Active owner id| |property_activesupplierid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Active supplier id| |property_addressline1|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Address line 1.| |property_addressline2|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Address line 2.| |property_allowbookingonwebuntildate|= > < /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by the allow booking on web until date.| |property_area|= | ~|Filter by Property filter: Property Area code filter. This is a legacy filter, its recommended to use groupingid instead.| |property_bedrooms|= | < > / * /|Filter by Property filter: Number of Bedrooms.| |property_bookingbrandid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Booking Branding id filtering.| |property_bounds|= /|Filter by Property filter: Bounding box coordinates filtering in Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long format| |property_brandinggroupid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Branding Group id filtering.| |property_brandingid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Branding id filtering.| |property_brandingstatusdate|= / > <|Filter by Property filter: Branding status date filtering. This must be used with brandingstatusid.| |property_brandingstatusdatetype|=|Filter by Property filter: Branding status date filtering behaviour. Can be either fromdate, todate or both.| |property_brandingstatusid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Branding status id filtering.| |property_changedayrules|=|Filter by Property filter: Enforce change day rules on an availability search.| |property_changedaysonly|=|Filter by Property filter: Find properties which only allow week bookings on their changeover days.| |property_changedaytemplatetype|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties with a particular changeday template type.| |property_changedaytemplatetypedate|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties with a particular changeday template type based on the date.| |property_coordinates|= /|Filter by Property filter: Coordinates point filtering in Lat,Long format| |property_country|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Country (Alpha2).| |property_countryname|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Country name.| |property_county|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address County.| |property_distance|=|Filter by Property filter: Distance (in km) filtering. Can only be used with coordinates.| |property_excludedproperties|= ||Filter by Property filter: Excluded properties with a certain id filter.| |property_fromdate|=|Filter by Property filter: Availability from filter. Searches when a property is available from given the specific date| |property_geohash|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address geohash.| |property_groupingid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Grouping id filter| |property_groupingvalueid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Grouping value id filter| |property_haspricinginyear|=|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by that can be booked in the specified year.| |property_id|= | *|Filter by Property filter: Property id.| |property_inactiveownerid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Inactive owner id.| |property_inspectionid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Filter properties with a certain inspection type.| |property_inspectiontypeid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Filter properties with a certain inspection type.| |property_lastupdatedatetime|= < > / /|Filter by Property filter: Time of the last property update.| |property_location|= | ~|Filter by Property filter: Property Location code filter. This is a legacy filter, its recommended to use groupingvalueid instead.| |property_marketingbrandid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Marketing Branding id filtering.| |property_maximumpets|= | < > / * /|Filter by Property filter: Maximum number of pets.| |property_maxprice|= > < /|Filter by Property filter: Same as minimum price filter.| |property_minprice|= > < /|Filter by Property filter: Minimum price filter. Filters by a weekly fixed price. If a fromdate is present, then the year of the date will be used as well to filter prices only in that year.| |property_name|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Property name.| |property_nameorpropref|= | ~|Filter by Property filter: Property Name or Propref.| |property_nights|=|Filter by Property filter: Availability nights filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |property_ownerchargeid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties by owner charge id.| |property_plusminus|=|Filter by Property filter: Availability plus minus nights filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |property_polygon|= /|Filter by Property filter: Polygon coordinates filtering in Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long,Lat,Long format| |property_postcode|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Postcode.| |property_primarypropertybookingbrandid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Primary Property Booking Branding id filtering.| |property_primarypropertybrandingid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Primary Property Branding id filtering.| |property_promote|=|Filter by Property filter: Promoted flag| |property_propertybrandingid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Property Branding id filtering.| |property_rating|= | > < /|Filter by Property filter: Filter by the properties inspection grading.| |property_roomquantity|= | > < /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by the number of rooms.| |property_roomtypeid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties by the room type.| |property_sbtemplate|=|Filter by Property filter: Legacy short break template filter. Looks for an attribute with code SBTEMPL and filters with that.| |property_securitydepositbookeddate|=|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit booking date.| |property_securitydepositbookedfromdate|= / < > /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit booking start date.| |property_securitydepositbookedtodate|= / < > /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit booking end date.| |property_securitydepositholidaydate|=|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit holiday date.| |property_securitydepositholidayfromdate|= / < > /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit holiday start date.| |property_securitydepositholidaytodate|= / < > /|Filter by Property filter: Find properties by their security deposit holiday end date.| |property_securityfeatureid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Find properties which have a current security feature.| |property_sleeps|= | < > / * /|Filter by Property filter: Maximum occupancy.| |property_specialofferbookingperiod|=|Filter by Property filter: Date search looking for special offers active between a specified booking date period.| |property_specialofferholidayperiod|=|Filter by Property filter: Date search looking for special offers active between a specified holiday date period.| |property_specialofferwebsitesectionid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Search for active special offers with a specified website section id| |property_statusid|= ||Filter by Property filter: Generic cross brand status filter. Finds properties of a given status id on any branding.| |property_tabspropref|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Tabs Property Reference.| |property_todate|=|Filter by Property filter: Availability till filter. Can only be used in conjuntion with fromdate.| |property_town|= | ~ *|Filter by Property filter: Filter properties by their address Town.| |rating|= ||Filter by the workorder rating.| |reporteddate|= > < /|Work order reporteddate filter.| |requiredbydate|= > < /|Work order requiredbydate filter.| |starteddate|= > < /|Work order starteddate filter.| |status|=|Work order status filter. Can be one of New, Approved, Started, Cancelled, SupplierPaid, OwnerCharged or Completed| |supplierid|= ||Work order supplier id filter.| |supplierserviceid|= ||Work order property supplier service id filter. Find work order instances derived from a property supplier service.| |templateid|= ||Work order template id filter. Find work order instances derived from a specific work order template.| |type|=|Work order type filter. Can be one of Template or Instance| |workorderbookingbrandid|= ||Work order booking brand filter.| |workordersupplier_calloutcharge|= > < | /|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by the workorder supplier calloutcharge.| |workordersupplier_commissionpercent|= > < | /|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by the workorder supplier commissionpercent.| |workordersupplier_defaultinvoiceto|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by the workorder supplier defaultinvoiceto.| |workordersupplier_hourlyrate|= > < | /|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by the workorder supplier hourlyrate.| |workordersupplier_id|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by the workorder supplier id.| |workordersupplier_payeename|= | ~|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by the workorder supplier payee name.| |workordersupplier_supplier_abroad|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by the abroad status flag| |workordersupplier_supplier_accountingreference|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Accounting Reference.| |workordersupplier_supplier_actorcode|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Actor Code.| |workordersupplier_supplier_addressline1|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Address line 1.| |workordersupplier_supplier_addressline2|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Address line 2.| |workordersupplier_supplier_brochureid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers who have requested a certain type of brochure| |workordersupplier_supplier_brochurerequestdate|= > < / ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by the date they requested a brochure| |workordersupplier_supplier_companyname|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Company Name.| |workordersupplier_supplier_country|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Country (Alpha2).| |workordersupplier_supplier_countryname|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Country name.| |workordersupplier_supplier_county|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address County.| |workordersupplier_supplier_createdbyactorid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by the id of actor who created them.| |workordersupplier_supplier_createddate|= > < /|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by created date.| |workordersupplier_supplier_email|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Email address.| |workordersupplier_supplier_enquirer|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by enquirer status.| |workordersupplier_supplier_enquirydate|= > < /|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owner enquiry by enquiry date.| |workordersupplier_supplier_firstconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their first booked date| |workordersupplier_supplier_firstname|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their First name.| |workordersupplier_supplier_flag|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by whether they have a flag.| |workordersupplier_supplier_flagtypeid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by whether they have a type of flag.| |workordersupplier_supplier_geohash|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address geohash.| |workordersupplier_supplier_globalsearchterm|~|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors using global search| |workordersupplier_supplier_id|= | *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their id.| |workordersupplier_supplier_inactive|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Inactive Status.| |workordersupplier_supplier_lastconfirmedbookeddate|= > < / ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their last booked date| |workordersupplier_supplier_managedactivityid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by the id of their managed activity| |workordersupplier_supplier_marketingbrandemaillistid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription.| |workordersupplier_supplier_marketingbrandemaillistsubscribed|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand email list subscription choice.| |workordersupplier_supplier_marketingbrandid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand.| |workordersupplier_supplier_marketingbrandnocontact|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter customers by their marketing brand contact preference.| |workordersupplier_supplier_officename|= | ~|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter offices by their office name| |workordersupplier_supplier_owneractivedate|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by when they owned a property| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerbookingbrandid|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by their default booking brand| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerbrandinggroupid|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by their default branding group| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerbrandingid|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter active owners by their default branding| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerchargeid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by owner charge id.| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerenquirerbrandingid|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owner enquirers by their default branding| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerenquiryactiontypeid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owner enquirers by the activity id.| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerenquirycompleteddate|= > < / ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter the owner by when an action was completed on the owner enquirer| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerenquiryduedate|= > < / ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter the owner by when an action is due on the owner enquirer| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerfromdate|= > < / ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter the owner by when they started owning their property| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownermarketingbrandid|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by their default marketing brand| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownerpaymentselectionid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by the owner payment selection id.| |workordersupplier_supplier_ownertodate|= > < / ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter the owner by when they finished owning their property| |workordersupplier_supplier_phonenumber|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Phone Number.| |workordersupplier_supplier_postcode|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Postcode.| |workordersupplier_supplier_propertyid|= ||Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter owners by their property id| |workordersupplier_supplier_supplieractivedate|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by when they where active on a property| |workordersupplier_supplier_supplierbookingbrandid|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by the booking brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |workordersupplier_supplier_supplierbrandinggroupid|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by the branding group of any property they are a supplier for.| |workordersupplier_supplier_suppliermarketingbrandid|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter suppliers by the marketing brand of any property they are a supplier for.| |workordersupplier_supplier_surname|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Surname.| |workordersupplier_supplier_tabscode|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Tabs Code.| |workordersupplier_supplier_tabsusername|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter tabs users by their username.| |workordersupplier_supplier_title|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their Title.| |workordersupplier_supplier_town|= | ~ *|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by their address Town.| |workordersupplier_supplier_type|=|Filter by WorkOrderSupplier filter: Filter by Supplier filter: Filter actors by type. Can be Customer, Supplier, Owner, TabsUser, TabsUserGroup or Agency.|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |active|=|Find special offers by their active state| |archived|=|Find special offers by their archived state| |brandingid|=|Filter special offers by their branding.| |description|= ~|Find special offers by their description| |id|= ||Find special offers by their id| |officedescription|= ~|Find special offers by their office description| |promotion|=|Filter special offers by if they are a promotion or not.|


|Filter|Recommended operators|Filter effect| |——————|——————|——————| |actorid|=|Filter sagepay payments by the actorid.| |actorpaymentid|=|Filter sagepay payments by the actorpaymentid.| |bookingid|= ||Sagepayment booking id filter.| |paymentdatetime|= > < /|Sagepayment date time filter.| |released|=|Filter sagepay payments by the released status.| |status|= | ~ *|Filter sagepay payments by the status.| |txtype|= | ~ *|Filter sagepay payments by the txtype.| |vendortxcode|= | ~ *|Filter sagepay payments by the vendortxcode.| |vpstxid|= | ~ *|Filter sagepay payments by the vpstxid.|