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Creating a sagepay payment

This file documents how to create a sagepay payment and add it to a booking.

The tabs api uses SagePay Server to create an iframe url and return it to you.

You will need to provide two callback urls to handle success and failed payments.

try {
    if ($id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id')) {
        $b = new tabs\apiclient\Booking($id);

        // Get the payment methods
        $paymentMethods = \tabs\apiclient\Collection::factory(
            new \tabs\apiclient\PaymentMethod()

        // Request payment methods and find the card payment for this example
        $card = $paymentMethods->fetch()->findBy(function($ele) {
            return $ele->getPaymentmethod() == 'R';

        // Do the same for currency
        $currencies = \tabs\apiclient\Collection::factory(
            new \tabs\apiclient\Currency()
        $gbp = $currencies->fetch()->findBy(function($ele) {
            return $ele->getCode() == 'GBP';

        $customer = $b->getCustomers()->first()->getCustomer();
        $sp = new tabs\apiclient\SagePayPayment();

        // Get the address of the customer.  If you do not have one, you can provide an empty Actor Address object.
        $addresses = $customer->getContactdetails()->findBy(function($ele) {
            return $ele instanceof \tabs\apiclient\actor\Address;

        $base = getBaseUrl();


            // Set the payment type or be either DEFERRED or PAYMENT.
            // DEFERRED payments need to be released and will not take payment.

            // Set the callback url so that you can be notified of the confirmed payment
            ->setCallbackurl($base . 'thank-you-for-your-payment.php?id=' . $b->getId())
            ->setFailureurl($base . 'whoops.php?id=' . $b->getId());

        echo $sp->create();


} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();