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Creating a booking

This file documents how to create a new booking.

Its useful for customer bookings to have a potential booking type associated with them. In this example the type is Enquiry.

You can get a list of potential booking types from the common data in the api.

try {
    if ($id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fromdate') 
        && $pbi = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'propertybrandingid')
    ) {
        $nights = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'nights') ? filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'nights') : 7;
        $b = new tabs\apiclient\Booking();
        $from = new \DateTime(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'fromdate'));
        $to = clone $from;
        $to->add(new \DateInterval('P' . $nights . 'D'));
            ->setPropertyBranding(array('id' => $pbi))

        if (filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'saleschannelid')) {
            $sc = new \tabs\apiclient\SalesChannel(
                filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'saleschannelid')
        // Create a new potential booking
        // You could also create a provisional booking too.
        $potentialBooking = new \tabs\apiclient\PotentialBooking();
        $webbooking = new tabs\apiclient\WebBooking();
        // You can also create a single note when creating the booking
        $note = new \tabs\apiclient\Note();

        // Create a note type
        $noteType = new tabs\apiclient\Notetype();
        $noteType->setDescription('A normal bog standard note.')
        // Get an actor who created the note
        $me = tabs\apiclient\client\Client::getClient()->whoami();

        // Alternatively, the tabsuser with id 1 will be system that you can use by
        // using $system = new Tabsuser(1);
        // This would negate the need to call this endpoint saving you an
        // api request

        // Populate the note
        $note->setSubject('Adipiscing rhubarb')
            ->addNotetext('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');

        header('Location: index.php?id=' . $b->getId());

} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();