Recording a customer enquiry
Sometimes you may wish to record if a customer enquires about a property or certain dates. This example demonstrates how to log this.
try {
if ($id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id')) {
$customer = new tabs\apiclient\Customer($id);
$marketingBrands = \tabs\apiclient\Collection::factory(
new \tabs\apiclient\MarketingBrand()
$enq = new tabs\apiclient\actor\Enquiry();
// Add dates
$dates = new tabs\apiclient\actor\enquiry\Dates();
$from = new \DateTime('+2 weeks');
$to = clone $from;
$to->add(new \DateInterval('P7D'));
// Add property with id of 1
$enqProperty = new tabs\apiclient\actor\enquiry\Property();
$property = new \tabs\apiclient\Property(1);
header('Location: index.php?id=' . $customer->getId());
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();